Wat is krekt in koalstofborstel en wat docht it?


Jo sille fine dat as jo keapje in macht ark, guon produkten sille stjoere twa lytse accessoires yn it fak. Guon minsken witte dat it is in koalstofborstel, en guon minsken witte net hoe't it hjit noch hoe't se it brûke moatte.

Mar no of it no posters of ferkeapynliedingen binne, elektryske ark binne borstelleaze motoren as in wichtich ferkeappunt. As jo ​​​​freegje wat it ferskil is, witte in protte minsken allinich dat it ferskil is oft der in koalstofborstel is of net. Dus wat is krekt in koalstofborstel? Wat is de funksje, en wat is it ferskil tusken in boarstele motor en in boarstele motor?

De wichtichste komponint fan 'e koalstofborstel is koalstof. By it wurkjen wurdt it troch in spring yndrukt om it draaiende diel te wurkjen as in boarstel, sa hjit it inkoalstofborstel. The main material is graphite. Carbon brushes are also called electric brushes, which are widely used in electrical equipment. They are used to transmit signals or energy between the fixed part and the rotating part of some motors or generators. The shape is rectangular, and the metal wire is installed in the spring. , The carbon brush is a kind of sliding contact, so it is easy to wear and needs to be replaced regularly and the carbon deposits that have been worn out must be cleaned.

Koalstofborstels wurde oer it generaal brûkt op DC elektryske apparaten, lykas kuolkasten, waskmasines en airconditioning brûkt yn ús huzen, hawwe gjin borstels. Dit komt om't AC-motoren gjin konstant magnetysk fjild nedich binne, dus d'r is gjin ferlet fan in kommutator, en gjinkoalstofborstels.

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